Rooster Black and White, Handmade Quilling Paper Ornament
Rooster Black and White, Handmade Quilling Paper Ornament
The Rooster is a many-faceted creature; best known for it’s signature “cock-a-doodle-doo” each morning, the rooster is also regarded as a symbol of protection and honesty. Multiple religious groups believe that the rooster is connected to the heavens as well, and that its morning chant is a message to or from the gods. This rooster won’t wake you up with the rising sun, but it may serve as a reminder that there is always light after the darkness.
Product features a rooster with black and white body and tailfeathers, with a bright red comb and waddle. Sandy brown paper makes the rooster's beak and accents the back and tail. Gray accents are woven through the rooster's tail feathers and across the rooster's chest, and a dot of black quilling paper makes the rooster's eye.