Uniquely Created

Uniquely Created
Quilling as an artform traces its origins back to at least the 15th Century, where it became a common pastime in affluent European houses. Modern quilling, however, is incredibly accessible to learn, and requires very few specialized tools compared to other crafting arts.

Greeting Cards
Then, the paper is curled or swirled into a more definite shape such as a teardrop, heart, or S-scroll, arranged according to the needs of the design, and glued or woven into place. Most tools used in quilling are handheld and are used to help roll the paper into shape before it is attached – even something as simple as a Q-Tip can be used to help shape and curl the strips of paper into their final form.

3D Art
Some artisans prefer to use no tools and create these swirling patterns entirely by hand. As with our natural and recycled materials, we look for sustainable and ethical sources of quilling paper to use in our products.